Wild Salmon Defenders Alliance
New website coming soon!
The Wild Salmon Defenders Alliance (WSDA) is composed of diverse concerned people, scientists, artists, groups and organizations dedicated to the protection of wild salmon as food security, as an essential climate regulator, as a keystone species that supports biodiversity, and as a valuable contributor to the cultural, spiritual, physical, and economic well-being of British Columbians.
Right: Wild Salmon Defenders Alliance Moving Forward in a Good Way Event at Ravine Park Hatchery - Saturday, Oct. 26, 2024
Dedicated to the protection of WILD SALMON
"I respect and support the Wild Salmon Defenders Alliance and their efforts to educate and engage the public towards the protection of our endangered Pacific salmon species." - Bruce Coughlan
“Once upon a time, our Wild Pacific Salmon were abundant. Many different species flourished, as did all those dependent on them for food, from Orcas to Humans.
These days very few Wild Salmon survive. Man's encroachment on their habitat, spawning runs, overfishing, and poisonous open-ocean fish farms further threaten the few survivors.
Although “Let the River Run Free” is written specifically about deadbeat dams on the Snake River, and how they’ve decimated Wild Chinook numbers, it’s reflective of the many challenges facing Wild Salmon and their survival.”
– Bruce Coughlan