Ask the B.C. government not to renew salmon farm tenures
The Honourable Lana Popham, Minister of Agriculture:

Wild salmon need protection. Not renewing salmon farm tenures in June and enacting other immediate actions are necessary steps you can take now to protect their future.

~ David Suzuki Foundation

petitions : david suzuki foundation
Minister LeBlanc:

Fish Farm Disease & Parasites Threaten Our Wild Stocks. Ensure safe passage for BC’s wild salmon by removing fish farms from their migration routes.

~ Watershed Watch Salmon Society

petitions: watershed watch
End Open-net Salmon Farming
Minister Dominic Leblanc, Fisheries Minister:

Fish farms pollute the ocean, and expose wild salmon to deadly viruses. We call on you to legislate the removal of salmon farms from the ocean, and support fish-farm-dependent communities to develop closed-containment farms and other sustainable jobs.

~ Pacific Coast Wild Salmon Society

Leadnow : petition
Get Fish Farms Out Of BC!
Dear Premier Christy Clark:

As the landlord of the salmon farming industry, you must rescind the salmon farm Licences of Occupation in British Columbia. Wild salmon are much too important to put at risk for a dirty foreign industry that refuses to contain its waste and polluting the ocean with disease, putting wild salmon and herring at critical risk!

~ Alexandra Morton
