logo: WSDA
Wild Salmon Defenders Alliance
We acknowledge and promote the constitutional obligation of governments and corporations to seek the consent of indigenous titleholders on any and all industrial activity that may bring harm to wild salmon and its habitat. We also advocate for governments to have a genuine “Nation to Nation” relationship with Indigenous people as outlined in the United Nations Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples. WSDA strongly advocates for the application of the precautionary principle to support the resurgence of wild salmon, and that this principle be embedded in all environmental assessment processes, in federal and provincial legislation, and in trade agreements.
Our dream is to see a convergence of efforts to restore healthy salmon swimming in the Salish Sea and up the watersheds, feeding the sea lions, the orcas, the seals, the people, the bears, the eagles, the wolves, and other species, as well as bringing rich nutrients to the rain forests that provide us with oxygen, and that absorb carbon from the biosphere we all share. We work collectively for this in honour of our ancestors and for the benefit of future generations.
We strongly advocate for the removal of industrial open-net pen salmon farms from the migration routes of wild salmon in British Columbia, and support an emerging, land-based aquaculture industry that would be regulated for sustainability. WSDA holds regular rallies at retail outlets to raise awareness about the adverse impacts of farmed salmon on human health, the marine environment and wild salmon.